Friday, September 5, 2014

Fruit Salad With Strawberry Sauce Recipe

Fruit Salad

Fruits contain many vitamins and minerals that are very beneficial for your body. Thats why we must often consume fruits, when you feel bored of consuming fruit directly, you can work around by trying this salad with strawberry sauce.

200 g mango, diced
200 g of watermelon, diced
200 g of kiwifruit, diced
300 g strawberries, halved
100 g of canned mandarin oranges (if there really could wear regular orange)

How to Make Strawberry Sauce
Easy to Make Strawberry Sauce

150 g of strawberries
150 ml ready-made strawberry yogurt
3 tbsp coco pandan syrup

1. Mix all salad ingredients, chill in the refrigerator.

2. Blend all sauce ingredients, stir until well blended and creamy. Set aside and chill in the refrigerator. Prepare 3 cups / bowls. Insert a piece of fruit, the amount according to taste.

3. Just before serving, pour the strawberry sauce. Serve immediately while cold.

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