Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Brocolli Salad (Quick n Easy) Recipe

Brocolli Salad (Quick n Easy)

With a simple ingredients, you can create a quick and healthy salad menu. The combination of canned tuna and mayonnaise make the salad look smooth, while the onions and carrots make the salad feels more crispy. Suitable for you when additional variety menu of vegetables less at the dinner table.

1 piece Broccoli
½ Onion
½ Carrot
1 Canned Tuna
mayonnaise to taste

1. Cut the broccoli, boil about 3 minutes, then leak and refrigerate with water, dripping water again.

2. While wait the broccoli, slice carrots and onions. If do not like the smell of onions, can be soaked with water before in mixed.

3. Discard the water/oil in canned tuna, transfer to bowl and mix all the ingredients with the mayonnaise, mix well.

4. serve with egg to include the protein for your day :)

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