Thursday, August 28, 2014

Gado-gado Recipe


Gado-gado Means "campuran" in Indonesia (or a mixture of English word) is something like a salad, but most Indonesians tend to eat like a snack or even sometimes as the main courses because it contains a lot ingredients that make you feel full. Therefore, this plate is tasty and healthy. I really dont know where is Gado-gado come from, but Semarang has some interesting options where you can enjoy a delicious Gado -gado.

(for vegetables salad)
4 small cabbage , chopped and blanched
1 cup bean sprouts, blanched
100 g of green salad
2 hard boiled eggs , cut into wedges
2 fried tofu
2 potatoes boiled
2 lontong (compressed rice)
krupuk udang (prawn cracker)
2 tbsps fried shallots

(Peanut sauce for gado- gado)
500 gram fried peanuts
4 cloves of garlic, peeled
3 small red chilies, sliced ​​(can be replaced with paprika powder if you do not like it spicy )
8 cm lesser galangal peeled and chooped ( you do not have to add it if it does )
3 fresh kafir lime leaves
1 tsp salt
1 liter of water
500 ml of coconut milk
100g palm sugar
3 tbsps fried shallots

1. Prepare the sauce by frying the garlic and chilies. Then grind or mix with peanuts and lesser galangal until mixture is smooth. And then put in a pan with other ingredients, except fried shallots. Simmer over low heat for 30 minutes, stirring to prevent paste, Add more water if necessary .

2. Cut lontong (compressed rice), tofu and potatoes into small pieces , place in bowl , then add all the vegetables and krupuk udang (prawn cracker), pour sauce. Garnish with eggs, sprinkle with fried shallots .